Exploring the Frozen Ocean of Terra Australis Incognita
Marine Science in Antarctica’s Southern Ocean as part of the SCALExperiment Spring 2019 Expedition. My polar adventure while atlasing seabirds for BirdLife SA’s AS@S Project.
Marine Science in Antarctica’s Southern Ocean as part of the SCALExperiment Spring 2019 Expedition. My polar adventure while atlasing seabirds for BirdLife SA’s AS@S Project.
Robberg is a special place; one shrouded in mystery, steeped in history and abundant in natural wonders. Stepping onto the trail transports you into a world of tranquillity and peace, a world free from the white noise of our daily pressures. Take a moment to listen, to feel, to absorb the atmosphere… take a moment to discover the Robberg Magic.
The use of the term “Dune Restoration” in scenarios where restoration measures are questionable and restoration goals undefined, is misleading and incorrect. Analysing three case studies in the Cape Peninsula it becomes clear that “Dune Restoration” is a pipe dream under current conditions and the term is rather used as a guise for personal gain.
This article is the result of a request from one of the Long Beach locals to learn more about the life history and migration behaviour of the tern species frequenting South Africa’s extensive coastline.
The historic story describing my late grandfather’s extraordinary encounters with a pair of bottlenose dolphins off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, back in 1953.
My experiences, photographs and observations from my first visit to the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho.
I spent a number of days immersed in all things thought to be cutting edge for the late 1800s and was drawn to the writing style and imagination displayed by the authors. While I have barely scratched the surface in uncovering the treasures that these books contain, this is a small collection of thoughts shaped through the reading of some of the articles presented in the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.