Evolution of Knowledge

I spent a number of days immersed in all things thought to be cutting edge for the late 1800s and was drawn to the writing style and imagination displayed by the authors. While I have barely scratched the surface in uncovering the treasures that these books contain, this is a small collection of thoughts shaped through the reading of some of the articles presented in the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Exploring the Driving Forces Influencing the Evolutionary History of the Extant Latimeria Genus within the Coelacanth Taxon

Thought of as a “Living Fossil”, the Coelacanth has piqued the interest and captured the imaginations of fishermen, scientists and the general public alike. Throughout its history, forces have acted to mould this fish into the strange looking specimen that we encounter today… an appearance reminiscent of its ancient ancestors.